Barb was born and raised in Germany, and moved to the United States in 2005 after marrying her husband, Jeff. Before becoming a wife and mother of four, Barb was involved in church-based ministry with women, youth, and children in Germany. During those years of ministry, and especially since becoming a mother, Barb has seen the value of intentional discipleship that connects with children at their developmental level in an engaging and interactive way.
Following her interest in spiritual direction and formation led Barb to participate in a two-year certification course in the field. She has found this approach to Christian spirituality to be life-giving, and continues to learn and grow by providing spiritual direction to others.
The fruit of these practices and experiences serve as the inspiration for Barb’s work with the children at Church of the Good Shepherd. Barb is delighted to know that she can participate with Jesus in his work of forming human hearts. Because she sees the home as the central place for discipleship in Christ, she loves to provide families with helpful resources, and considers it a privilege to be able to lead the precious children of Good Shepherd in the way of Jesus.